alexa jarvis

UI Redesign

Spin off of Uber Eats mobile application


a playful


to the



style of

Uber Eats.

Project Overview

For this project, I decided to redesign the Uber Eats mobile application, focusing on refreshing its visual identity and incorporating popular UI design trends.

Little disclaimer: This redesign is in no way associated with Uber Eats and was solely meant as a fun way for me to explore different UI styles!

Visual Refresh

The primary goal of this project is to provide the Uber Eats app with a fresh and visually engaging redesign, aligning it with trending design styles.

Neubrutalism Influence

  • Incorporate elements of Neubrutalism, such as clashing colors, heavy dark outlines, blocky card components, and abstract shapes, to create a distinct and eye-catching interface.

Dark Mode

  • Implement a dark mode with a black screen background to enhance user experience in low-light environments.

Retro Aesthetics

Utilize retro colors and styles, featuring a color scheme of cream, tan, orange, teal, and dark grey, along with 2-D graphics and bold, cartoony elements to infuse fun and nostalgia into the design.

As a frequent user of the Uber Eats app, I wanted to infuse a sense of fun and nostalgia into the platform while still retaining its usability and functionality. The redesign showcases three key screens to give users a glimpse of the new look and feel.

Style Guide