alexa jarvis


Cast Collective | Mobile podcast application design & case study


Cast Collective


Research, Design & Branding



Cast Collective is a podcast player & discovery app that allows you to listen to your favorite shows, follow friends, share podcast recommendations & discover new podcasts based on your listening history.

THE PROBLEM is that existing podcast applications lack seamless integration of listening, social features, recommendations, and personalized discovery which fragments user engagement and effective exploration of new content.

THE GOAL was to design a unified podcast application to ultimately enhance user experience, engagement and community building.

User Research Findings

Listening Habits: Users reported listening to podcasts during their commute, while exercising, or during leisure activities. Many users preferred listening to podcasts in shorter episodes of 30-40 minutes.

Content Preferences: True crime, comedy, and educational podcasts were among the most popular genres. Users appreciated podcasts with high production quality, engaging hosts, and informative content.

Discovery & Recommendations: Users expressed frustration with the overwhelming number of podcasts available and desired better discovery tools. Recommendations based on their interests, listening history and curated playlists were seen as valuable.

Social Sharing & Community: Users showed interest in sharing their favorite episodes and recommendations with friends and on social media platforms. Some users expressed a desire for community features such as discussion forums and the ability to connect with like-minded listeners.

User Interface & Experience: Users valued a clean and intuitive interface with easy-to-use controls for playback, navigation, and favoriting.

user flow & information architecture




wireframes & prototypes