alexa jarvis

UI Redesign

Interactive approach to the EA Sports – Madden NFL Game Homepage

Project Overview

This project focused on enhancing the visual appeal and user experience of the EA Sports Madden NFL Game homepage. While maintaining the essence of the existing webpage, the goal was to infuse life into the homepage and make it more visually captivating and interactive.

Little disclaimer: This project is in no way associated with EA Sports and was simply a fun way for me to work on design!

Design Elements

Immersive Animation

The webpage includes an immersive animation element where the initial screen expands to reveal the featured NFL player, Josh Allen, creating a dynamic and visually appealing entry experience.

Visual Enhancement

  • A dark color scheme adds depth and contrast and bold typography enhances readability and creates a strong visual impact.


  • To incorporate trending design styles, the buttons feature a glassy surface, subtle gradient and translucent effect to add a modern and stylish feel.



— Instagram

— Twitter

— Facebook

Design Approach

This project is not aimed at a complete overhaul of the existing webpage but rather a playful exploration of various design styles and trends, with a focus on interactivity. The goal is to provide users with a visually exciting entry point into the Madden NFL Game experience.

Exploring Design Trends

As UX/UI trends evolve, I try to incorporate these different styles within my own designs. For this project in particular, I wanted to align with the common modern design trend of using dark colors to enhance contrast and visual appeal. I also had some fun using glassmorphism within my button styles to add a contemporary and sophisticated touch. Lastly, I really wanted to incorporate immersive animation in order to create a dynamic and memorable entry experience into the webpage.

Why this project?

As a designer, I have a passion for enhancing user experiences through visually striking and interactive elements. The Madden NFL Game homepage presented an opportunity to explore different design styles while keeping the core functionality intact, making it an exciting project to showcase in my portfolio.This project is not aimed at a complete overhaul of the existing webpage but rather a playful exploration of various design styles and trends, with a focus on interactivity. The goal is to provide users with a visually exciting entry point into the Madden NFL Game experience.